Market Pulse on August 10th

Olivier Rigot, EMC Gestion de Fortune

1 minute de lecture

S&P 500 3360,47 + 9,19.

The Dow Jones Industrials again took the lead favoring cyclicals stocks to the tech industry. Options traders were back in force accumulating calls and pushing again put/call ratios to historic levels, reflecting a lot of complacency from this category of investors. Our fear/greed index is titlting more and more towards the greed level. Breadth was fairly decent with 2754 stocks advancing and 1128 settling down.

Very short term oscillator Positive +
Short term oscillator Positive +
RVI trend Positive +
Trend short term (5 days) Up
Trend mid term (8 days) Up
Differential of trends Up
Risk profile 76 (scale of 1 (low risk) to 100 (high risk))

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